The first ride began with a comment from Frank Long in 2008, who suggested a group of cyclists should ride to Camooweal as a training ride. Steve Carson suggested the group try to gain sponsorship and hopefully raise a few hundred dollars for charity. Four months later, eighty-three cyclists and forty supporters rolled out from the Civic Centre on a cold and windy morning heading for Camooweal. Over eight thousand dollars was raised and the Border Ride was born.
Each year the Border Ride has grown, and 2015 saw over 157 cyclists and more than 50 supporters raise almost fifteen thousand dollars for various Charities and Organisations.
The ride for most, though, is about having fun and participating in what is regarded as one of North Queensland’s fastest growing events. Many of the supporters come back next year to do the ride. Whilst the majority form teams, there are a number of cyclists who do the whole two hundred and two kilometres themselves.
So, there’s little left to say except get the bike out of the shed, pump up the tyres and oil the chain. We’re keeping a warm spot on the start line for you and a coldie at the finish.
Medium to Hard