The Making of a Molehill
By Dave Fellows.
Thats Dave the Too MOOO or Not toMOOOO Challenge guy! see below one of Queensland’s top up and coming multi day events…
Life it seems is full of challenges, some at random as if the universe has decided to test us or perhaps frustrate us as we go about our daily lives. Most of these challenges are mere molehills we handle in our stride; a small percentage are mountains requiring us to dig deep in order to face them; however again we pretty much manage to get through whatever we are confronted with and usually emerge a better person as a result.
Then there are the challenges we set for ourselves, these may be in any discipline from intellectual to physical however the one thing they have in common is that we have chosen to confront ourselves with the possibility of failure in order to advance ourselves.
This morning I embarked on my challenge, a bike ride surprisingly enough that involved hills followed by hills and then a couple of hills to round out the day, hills have always been mountains to me, they certainly have proven to be more than a challenge on many an occasion. This morning I was feeling even more apprehensive than usual as I was to be riding with a group I knew was laced with some good riders particularly of hills, however I showed up determined to risk failure in order to conquer a mountain.
I decided to look at the days ride in increments rather than the whole, layers if you like, breaking the ride down into bite sized pieces, reducing the mountain to a series of molehills and it worked! as I summited each molehill I looked ahead only to the next molehill which i knew I could achieve in relative comfort.
Molehill by molehill I climbed my mountain.
Excited I decided to reward myself and applied the process to my breakfast but this time in reverse.
Layers of dry Seeded Toast, Bacon, Charr Grilled Peppers for sweetness, Bacon, Avocado for creaminess and Bacon I built a mountain, molehill by molehill.
You too should find your molehill and conquer it, then another and another; pretty soon you’ll have a mountain like this one to reward yourself.