It’s way up top …you should bike there, the locals will spoil you
New Zealand: Cape 2 Kaitaia Challenge
A post from up top
“Though many riders completed today’s gruelling 112km ride in 3hrs. It was 79yr old John Sommerville who stole the show by never giving up and finishing in a time of over 7hours hard yakka on his bike! While everyone was eating & celebrating prize giving he was still riding, so I thought I’d better go find him… He wasn’t that Far away, so good to see him not giving up and justgetting it done.. “Papa John your an amazeballs, it’s inspirational people like you, that make me realize, I have got no excuses to get out there & keep healthy and active”. Another Big huge Mihi to Wyona Gibbs for being tail-end-Charlie and looking after him. Your too cool for School sister xx last but not least Far North Flash Kaitaia, thanks for another awesome event, Chur.”
Its definitely different and it’s definitely Kiwi..almost Kiwiana by bike..way up top and a personality to match the stunning landscapes…how lucky are we as cyclists
Congratulations on another oustanding C2K. You have made this event so special & unique. NZC had 17 riders who travelled from Auckland to do this which gives you an idea of how much we really like do this event. Its probably the best weekend away in our yearly calendar of cycling.
The carved Northland trophies for winners and age groupers are very special, but then so are the dozen or more crockpots of delicious foods that are made freely available to us. Its also such a delight to see the local children you inspire who ride this event too, and whom you sponsor.
already looking forward to coming back for next year, and will bring another set of wheels to give away as spot prize.
Thank you phil and wynona for your hospitality, your friendliness & just being you.