Vote BACON politicised not homogenised
By Dave Fellows – the TooMoo220 Classic Man
Has a good ring to it …don’t you think
This morning I chose to replace fantasy with symbolism for my breakfast with the following garnish.
Broccoli in a cursory nod to the greens, regardless of your leanings a little is good for you, while too much will result in certain constipation.
Blueberries represent the sweet looking promises that always end up slightly bitter.
Mushrooms for how the political leaders see the voters
The big red strawberry off to the side is there purely to distract you from the main issue, which like most big red strawberries these days will be hollow and devoid of flavour.
A couple of cherries sit precariously on top, just out of reach they will teeter and fall at the slightest change to the make up of the final ensemble
The entire illusion is underpinned by “White Toast”, white toast looks for all the world to be a healthy inclusive brown, yet remains decidedly white on the inside.
There is only one thing in this meal you can rely on to deliver what you need for a fulfilling existence and that my friends is Bacon.
Bacon keeps it’s promises
Bacon won’t lie to you
Bacon is dependable
You can dress it up you can dress it down, but underneath it’s still bacon
So all that is left is to eat it!
Great pic and recipe Dave
Steve has modified this recipe to exclude any political predictions by Dave…actually by the time anyone reads this everyone will know the result.